Creative > Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Connect: Effervescence at Your Fingertips

For the iconic brand Coca-Cola, the task at hand was to infuse their new mobile app for the Israeli market with the classic Coca-Cola experience. Our vision was to develop a visual language that stayed true to the brand's core values of happiness, togetherness, and refreshment. This digital branding endeavor aimed to translate Coca-Cola's world-renowned identity into a visual treasure for marketing the new app, keeping it unmistakably 'Coke'.

Versatile Digital Expression: Coca-Cola's App Aesthetic

The visual language crafted for Coca-Cola's mobile app was built to be as versatile as it is vibrant, ensuring consistency across Always-On marketing, seasonal campaigns, and exclusive events. The app's design elements - from color schemes and typography to button design and layout grids - were all carefully chosen to enhance user engagement while maintaining the brand's iconic red and dynamic ribbon. This adaptable aesthetic framework ensures that whether it's a promotional push or a virtual event invitation, every interaction feels uniquely Coca-Cola.